NISM Equity Derivative market module is a one month program. It is an entry-level program for working professionals in the equity derivatives sector. Derivatives are financial security. The underlying instrument is becoming increasingly popular in the world market as a tool for risk management. The Indian derivatives market has been steady over the past few years being an important instrument in financial sector strategy.
Derivates measure the sensitive to undisputedly high especially in hedging against risk. The objective of the derivatives market program is to enable comprehensive knowledge of diverse derivatives products. We will also cover financial structure in Indian derivatives market and importance to govern them in the Indian securities market. You can better understand the derivatives market when you learn the risk and regulation associated with products. Besides, you will learn the derivatives market exchange mechanism of trading, clearing, and settlement.
Unique Features of NISM Derivative Market Module
Module 1: Derivatives Market Introduction and Fundamentals
Module 2: Quantitative Fundamentals
Module 3: Derivatives Market Volatility
Module 4: Introduction to Forwards